The basic elements of good lawn care are: proper watering, mowing, fertilization, core aeration, soil management, disease and pest control. Any lawn care program depends on the homeowner’s cooperation for optimum success. Proper mowing, watering, and observation are good practices and the responsibility of the homeowner. We can work together as a team to keep your lawn healthy and looking good. Our organic lawn care program is designed to provide the turf with necessary nutrient requirements to sustain a proper turf stand as outlined in our climate and soil conditions by Michigan State University.

Organic Lawn Services

Your lawn receives at least five in-season feedings throughout the year. Each feeding uses only professional, timed-release fertilizers that are formulated for the specific needs of your lawn at the time of application.
Broadleaf Weed Control
In mid-spring, we treat for dandelions and more than 50 other common lawn weeds. Then we watch for any new invaders throughout the year, and we eliminate them at no extra charge.
Crabgrass & Annual Weed Prevention
One or more applications are made in early spring to prevent crabgrass and/or controllable annual weeds from invading the lawn throughout the season.
Grub Protection
We provide season-long protection against damaging lawn grubs. An unprotected lawn can be wiped out completely before the homeowner even knows they are there.
Insect Protection
We eradicate summer lawn-damaging insects, such as sod webworms and chinchbugs.
Late Fall Feeding
A special late fall feeding known as “winterizing” is designed to carry the gains made this year into next spring. That’s how great lawns are made—by compounding the improvement from one season to the next.
Core Aeration
With this procedure, we remove small plugs of soil throughout your lawn to improve the flow of air, water, and fertilizer into the root zone of the lawn. This remedies “root choking” compacted soil problems. It is also effective in reducing the build-up of thatch and disease in the lawn.
Disease Control
If disease threatens your lawn, we use organic disease control to stop the spread of almost any disease.
Continuous Monitoring
Your lawn is inspected and needs are determined before the first treatment is made. Thereafter, each treatment is recorded, and the lawn is continuously monitored to insure that it is progressing on schedule. If a problem develops between inspections, you can phone our customer hotline at (800) 404-3033 and a Lawn Specialist will be dispatched to your home to take care of the problem.

When you sign up for our Complete Care Service, should you have any questions about the conditions of your lawn, call us and we will dispatch our trained expert to your home—at no charge to you.

Free Service Calls
When you sign up for our Complete Care Service, should you have any questions about the conditions of your lawn, call us and we will dispatch our trained expert to your home—at no charge to you.

Our Annual Lawn Care Program:

Early Spring

Dry granular fertilizer to wake up turf and Dimension Pre-Emergent crabgrass control, to prevent crabgrass germination, which typically will show in the turf stand in June or July. Round 1 applied in March to April.

LATE Spring

Dry granular fertilizer and three-way systemic broadleaf weed control to eliminate all broadleaf weeds. Weed control cannot be applied until all weeds are up and to adult stage. Once there is sufficient foliage and the weed control is applied, it is absorbed into the plant tissue and eliminates the weeds, root and all. Dry granular weed control is the best form of weed control. Round 2 applied in May to early June.

Early Summer

Round 3 typically consists of all mineral fertilizers with 20-50% slow release encapsulation to help regulate the growth of turf and spot treatment of weeds during the start of the hot season. Our early-summer blend also contains iron for deep green color without causing excessive growth. Round 3 applied in July.


Round 4 typically consists of spot treatments and all mineral fertilizers with 20-50% slow release encapsulation to help regulate the growth of turf during the remainder of the hot season. Our late-summer blend also contains iron for deep green color without causing excessive growth. Round 4 applied in August.

Early FALL

Dry granular fertilizer and three-way systemic broadleaf weed control to eliminate newly germinated weeds from summer stress. Round 5 applied in September or once cooler and rainier weather returns.


Dry granular winterizing fertilizer, which helps provide lawn with nutrients through dormant winter months, and helps to wake up lawn quicker in the spring. Round 6 applied in October.

When a client’s budget requires a more cost-effective program the following guidelines will be followed:

  • If a client chooses only a five-application program then Round 4 can be eliminated.
  • If a client chooses only a four-application program then Rounds 4 and 6 will be eliminated leaving them with Rounds 1,2,3,5.

Our Environmentally Conscious Program

We care about the environment, so we also feature a more eco-friendly lawn program. In our 6-application program, one or two treatments will contain a herbicide for weeds. The other four treatments are done in a dry granular form and contain no herbicides.

Please let us know in advance if you plan to do any seeding this spring. We will omit the pre-emergent treatment to allow your grass seed to germinate.


Pest Control
A single treatment that can be applied to target sod webworms, chinch bugs, billbugs, or any other turf feeding insects that may be feeding in your lawn at the time of application.
Spring Grub Control:
A single treatment done in spring that will eliminate current adult grubs and prevent further turf damage.
Fall Grub Preventative:
A single treatment done in summer to prevent grub damage during their fall feeding cycle.
2-Step Grub Control Program
Include both the Spring Grub Curative and the Fall Grub Preventative. This will protect your lawn from grubs for one entire growing season. With the 2-step program, if grubs attack your lawn again we will re-treat your lawn at NO cost to you!

Ask us about our referral rewards programs.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 1-800-404-3033.

Contact Us!

American Lawn & Tree Arborists
1012 Elmsford Dr.
Troy, MI 48083
(248) 585-2600
Or send us a note below. Thanks!